General Information:
Detailed information regarding the company’s line of business and link to the company website
Name and dates of the exhibition the booth will be ordered for
Booth details: Area size (square meters or feet), characteristics (island, open, two sided, etc.), production regulations and conditions, etc. It is important to include the area map for the booth.
Desired type of booth (constructed? modular?)
Post- exhibition requirements (re-assembly, warehousing, shipping etc.)


About the Booth:
Relevant marketing background: marketing strategy, product or service differentiation, company strengths compared to other exhibitors
What is the main aim of the booth?
What message do you want to get across? Try to depict in words what first impression you want your visitors to get in the first few seconds of seeing your booth.
Desired atmosphere for the booth
Products, equipment, services that will be presented in the booth (including dimensions and weight where applicable)
Characteristics of your target audience
Ideas from past booths, lessons learned ("Does and Don’ts”)



A few functional issues to consider:
Special lighting for your booth
Reception desk
Bar counter
Storage (what will need to be stored and required size of storage capacity)
Closed conference area
Seating area (How many stations? High bar style or low table and chair style)
Computer stations
Projection stations
Catalogue stands
Further special requirements?!?!



More general information that we should know….
Number of staff working your booth
Hosts or hostesses? How many? What activities will they be doing?
Any activity required to generate audience?
Will you be handing out giveaways?


Finally, is there anything more we should know…?

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